Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hello there!!

                  Why hello there!

 Now that the Slave finally has signed into the right account for my blog posting let the blogging commence!

   Me and Link are doing pretty well! Still haven't been able to get him fixed yet, but we're working on it! 

Me and Link going out on a stroll

 We've been doing pretty well when we're together, nothing aggressive just sometimes Mr. Link likes to do some humping heehee other than that there's been a fair amount of grooming especially by him 

 (Still no computer so still haven't been able to post nice pix!! So we're rolling with mobile device pix for now) 

  We've both been having lots fun with the slaves! And enjoying bunny company through the bars



Link getting some Mom time...He may have been slightly bad that day Heehee he likes flicking pee/water everywhere

I say do you have food with you? 

Link being too cute! 

What do you mean you don't have treats??

   Well that's all for now!! Only other thing I wanted to mention was we now both have FB's (Duchess LaChocolatelapin and Link Kaninchen KungFumaster) and Twitter's (@Duchessbunny and @LinkKungFuMstr) and you can now find us on Instagram (BerrimanBunnies) Incase anybun wanted to add us! 

    Hope everyone's been doing well!! 

       Your Favorite Chocolate Bunny 



  1. Welcome back! Needless to say, you all are always missed.

  2. Good to see you have hight jink fun with Link,xx Speedy


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