Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm An Athlete too!

 With all the Olympic's going on, it has been even more apparent that I am quite the athlete. I train everyday, eat VERY healthy (Haven't had a pellet in MONTHS! Pineapple chunks don't count. Because I said so.) and I wake up early to train...On eating books. (Or whatever is lying around. I'm not picky.) One of these day's I'm going to get past my Personal Best of eating almost the entire spine off of a book. Book eating can be very filling, but if the lazy Slave somehow to forgot to fill my hay up before going to bed, well, then it isn't all that hard...Hehehe. Also the Digchewathon takes a LOT of stamina. I mean you've got to dig and chew on the ENTIRE bed. Very challenging. 

But my main Gold Medal event (Although I get 'gold medal's in all my events), is Binkrunathon, which is my favorite.

     Also, there's the Lookcuteathon, which is a very easy Gold medal event for me:

   Looking cute is my specialty. It takes a lot of practice to learn just what cute face I need to use to get treats!

 If only us bun Athletes had an Olympics to look forward to every year! Although I wouldn't want a medal...I'd want a never ending supply of PELLETS!! Heeheehee (Although carrots would be fine too!)

         Until next blog!

          Your Favorite Chocolate Bunny,




  1. Exhausting - I count 5 or maybe 7 golds there!

  2. That would be all of them then well done in the girls eventsbut I think Speedy would get the gold for sprinting and climbing!

  3. oh you totally took the gold!!!

    btw do you know you you have word verification on?


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